With great frustration, many find that they are unable to tap into a cohesive set of data that provides a complete and current view into their portfolio.
Unprofitable BU’s or non-core product lines are being aggressively wound down, and the associated IP (now stranded) is increasingly being looked at in efforts to extract any remaining value.
Not only are companies engaged in trying to sell or license their inventions, but they are also being approached by third party entities interested in buying specific patents.
Increasingly, packaging breakthroughs are occurring outside of the R&D labs at large established players and are taking place in smaller, more nimble firms.
However, companies in this industry frequently struggle to capitalize on their inventions beyond the immediate application for which they were developed.
Managing global supply chains, riskier emerging markets’ exposure, dynamic cost structures, and a move from product-driven to “solution driven” value propositions challenge some of the leading manufacturers to maintain growth.
Termed “vehicle telematics”, the automotive world is actively adopting advanced software, connectivity, and user interfaces to drive a new era in the automotive industry.
ABSTRACT: The penetration of wireless and mobile devices in addition to workflow convergence with mobility has unlocked the concept of “The Mobile Enterprise.” We analyze the value chain that has formed to serve the mobile enterprise.
ABSTRACT: The aerospace and defense industry has long been dominated by a handful of prominent players – this consolidation has resulted in minimal large scale M&A activity given potential regulatory and customer pushback.
ABSTRACT: While the promise of self-driving, “autonomous vehicles” has captured the attention of the media and consumer, the automotive industry and connected car ecosystem has been rapidly developing a diverse array of applications, services, and consumer experiences.
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